
Bill Barr Triggers CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Won’t Back Down on Voting For Trump (VIDEO)

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Former Attorney General Bill Barr is not backing down on his support for Donald Trump, much to the dismay of CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.

Barr, who broke with the president over his refusal to investigate the widespread evidence of massive voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election, said that despite his concerns about Trump he remained a far better option than Joe Biden.

Bill Barr responds to Donald Trump mocking him after he said he would vote for him in 2024. And it’s something. pic.twitter.com/YmHeC1WM6m

— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) April 27, 2024

His intention to vote Trump was clearly triggering to Collins, who despite starting out at the conservative Daily Caller has now staked out a role as the voice of the liberal establishment.