
Democrats Warn DC Journos a Trump Victory Could Make This the “Last” White House Correspondents’ Dinner

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President Joe Biden addresses the White House Correspondents 'Association Dinner on Saturday.

The White House Correspondents Association Dinner being held Saturday night is a D.C. institution first held in 1921 that awards reporters and raises scholarship money for journalism students. In recent decades the dinner has become a monster weekend bash for the media and the government officials they cover. Pre and after dinner parties and brunches bookend the dinner that has come to be known as the Nerd Prom. Media outlets vie with each other to get the best celebrity and government guests for their tables.

The dinner is traditionally attended by the president (since 1924)–who is roasted by a comedian (except Obama) and then makes his own speech written by joke writers. However that tradition was broken when President Trump refused to play the fool to the assembled government and media conspirators conniving to drive him from office.