
FBI Pledge Weekend: Patriot Front Group Marches in Downtown Charleston, West Virginia – Elon Musk Weighs In

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Feds on parade: Patriot Front members march in Charleston, West Virginia.

It must be another FBI freshman pledge weekend. 

The Patriot Front “white supremacist” group went marching in Charleston, West Virginia this weekend.

They found a drummer for this weekend’s march and they were chanting something but it was hard to understand.

So these a$$holes from Patriot Front just marched through our beautiful town. While I support their 1st amendment right to PEACEFUL assembly…I also support our right to flip them off! pic.twitter.com/v1pox3xpEx

— (((Mike Pushkin))) (@pushkinforhouse) April 27, 2024

These deep state a$$holes aren’t fooling anyone.

FEDS? The Patriot Front holds itself out as a supremacist organization but most believe it to be a honeypot organized and funded by the Feds to entrap disgruntled Americans.