
VIDEO: Police Absolutely Obliterate Anti-Israel Protesters at Wash U in St. Louis – Drag Them Away by Their Feet – Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Arrested

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St. Louis Police wasted no time on Saturday night in quashing an anti-Israel, Pro-Palestinian protest at Washington University in St. Louis.

The Jew-hating Marxists formed a line on campus and locked arms as the police approached them to break up their encampment.

As the young Jew-hating leftists were chanting, “Hold the line!” Police moved in and dragged them away by their feet.

Here is your feel-good video of the day.

Via Catturd2

“Hold the line! Hold the line!”

Lasted 5 seconds – lol. https://t.co/jYyxe2Wazd

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) April 28, 2024

Green Party candidate for president Jill Stein was arrested at the anti-Israel protest.