
Big Development: Fractal Technology Uncovers the Central Nervous System of the Left – NGO Funding

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Guest post by Jay Valentine –  Jay can be contacted at his Substack:  Substack.com/Omega4America

3 years ago, Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin asked the Fractal team to review the Wisconsin voter rolls – and the result was the Fractal Election Management application finding anomalies that cannot be found with current relational database.

The Fractal team is not a political activist organization – we are high tech guys – who saw a problem and offered a solution.

The team, and the 26 state groups with whom we worked, recognized cleaning voter rolls was a losing proposition for 2024 – not enough time, too few phantoms taken off, massive government resistance, RNC inaction.

Cleaning voter rolls is a fundraising technique for national “non-partisan” voter integrity groups.