
Ukraine Unveils New AI-Generated Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman (VIDEO)

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On Wednesday, Ukraine unveiled its new AI-generated Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, who will now make official statements on behalf of Ukraine’s foreign ministry.

The new AI-generated spokeswoman’s name is Victoria Shi, and the AI-bot is modeled after Ukrainian singer Rosalie Nombre.

Ukraine released a teaser of their new AI spokeswoman on their Ministry of Foreign Affairs YouTube page.

In the AI-generated spokeswoman’s first announcement, the digital representative stated, “My name symbolizes our main goal – the victory of Ukraine, and my last name – the artificial intelligence that created me. My work will consist of reporting operational and verified information of the consular department of the MFA of Ukraine to the public.”



Per Barron’s:

Ukraine on Wednesday presented an AI-generated spokeswoman called Victoria who will make official statements on behalf of its foreign ministry.