
Elon Musk Defends Trump’s Presidential Record After Leftist Robert De Niro Goes on Potty Mouthed Triggered Rant About Trump

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Elon Musk came to the defense of former President Donald Trump following an MSNBC interview with leftwing Hollywood tool Robert De Niro.

The interview, hosted by Stephanie Ruhle, saw the 80-year-old actor on an unhinged rant against Trump, likening his leadership to that of Hitler, a comparison Musk was quick to challenge.

De Niro, who is suffering from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), argued that Trump exhibited traits dangerously similar to infamous dictators, like Hitler, claiming his re-election could lead to chaos akin to that seen in Nazi Germany.

The whole segment is an example of “leftwing propaganda churn” from legacy media.

Excerpt from the interview:

Stephanie Ruhle: Over the last eight years,