
“First They Came for the Christians But I Said Nothing Because I Was a Jew…” OP-ED By Rabbi and J6 Attorney CRITICIZES NEW ANTI-SEMITISM BILL

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*This Op-Ed was contributed by Rabbi Jonathan Gross, an attorney who has spent a tremendous amount of his time fighting for January 6th defendants.

By Rabbi Jonathan Gross, Esq.

Last week, the House of Representatives voted in favor of the new anti-antisemitism bill, which adopts a new definition of antisemitism and provides the government with a way to punish wrong think about Jews and Israel, including anyone who suggests that Jews control the government. According to our government, the way to dispel the myth that Jews control the government is for the government to pass a law that punishes anyone who suggests that Jews control the government.

Marjorie Taylor Greene believes the bill is an attack on Christians.  » READ MORE