
“He’s in Total Conflict!” – EPIC! Trump Attacks Crooked Judge Merchan Before Entering Court for Monday’s NYC Show Trial (VIDEO)

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President Trump sits in crooked Judge Merchan’s courtroom in New York City on Monday May 6, 2024

CAs reported earlier, crooked far left Judge Juan Merchan threatened President Trump on Monday with contempt of court violations. Merchan also threatened to throw President Trump in prison.

The far left judge told Trump he has until 2:15 PM today to take down posts on Truth Social.

This is how communism works. The prosecution and fake news can spend thousands of hours trashing President Trump on a non-crime. But Trump is not allowed to defend himself.

This is how democracy dies.

BREAKING IN NEW YORK COURTROOM: Donald Trump has again been found in contempt of court for the 10th time over gag order violations by Judge Juan Merchan and fined $1,000.