
Over 1,000 US Soldiers “Are Functionally Being Held HOSTAGE!” – Matt Gaetz Releases Report on the 1,000 US Soldiers Trapped in Niger as Biden’s Africa Policy Implodes (VIDEO)

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Rep. Matt Gaetz releases stunning report on US soldiers being held hostage in Niger. May 6, 2024

This incredible story is NOT making any headlines in the legacy media. Why is that?

Joe Biden already turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021.

Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July 2021 by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left.

The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul, on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison.