
AI may be the biggest propaganda weapon the world has ever seen and globalists are already lying about how it will be used

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Guest post by Leo Hohmann on Substack – republished with permission

Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI, says his AI product — called ChatGPT — is super intelligent yet neutral in its political persuasion.

Patrick Wood, editor in chief at Technocracy.News, decided to try a little experiment and he published the results in an article at his website. First, he points out that ChatGPT “learns from a woke Internet, and second, it is programmed to filter out narratives hostile to globalist elites.”

Wood got a paid subscription to ChatGPT and set out to prove, or disprove, Altman’s statements about the neutrality of this product.

Wood asked: “I am worried about the safety of mRNA-based vaccines.