
Jubilee: Pope Francis Declares 2025 a Holy Year Devoted to ‘Hope’ – Rome Braces Itself to Receive 30 Million Visitors

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Before you know it, the year of our Lord of 2024 is almost halfway through, and we are approaching the Jubilee Year, a quarter-century event that mobilizes the Catholic faithful from around the world.

Ailing Pope Francis will be presiding over the season of events beginning on December 24, 2024, and running through Epiphany on January 6, 2026.

That is: if his health will allow him to. The mere week of Easter events this year proved too much for him.

Globalist Francis has officially launched the Holy Year with an edict filled with his unmistakable Marxist slant that adds a tragic second meaning to the word ‘Papal bull’.

Associated Press reported:

“The Vatican crossed a key milestone Thursday in the runup to its 2025 Jubilee with the promulgation of the official decree establishing the Holy Year.