
9-Year-Old White Christian Child Savagely Beaten on Minnesota School Playground Because “She Wasn’t Muslim”

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A Minnesota mom told Alpha News that her 9-year-old daughter was savagely beaten on the playground because “she wasn’t Muslim.”

Shawna Larson said her 3 grader was savagely beaten by four other students at Hidden Valley Elementary on April 29 because of her “race and religion.”

The school principal approached Larson as she went to pick up her daughter from school and informed her about the attack.

“They came up to my vehicle and informed me that there was an incident at school that day. They wanted to make it very apparent that my daughter didn’t do anything to cause this, and they told me this was a calculated incident and that she had been attacked on the playground by four other students in her grade,” Larson told Alpha News’ Liz Collin.