
German Court Allows Intelligence Monitoring of Conservative AfD Party Over ‘Threat to Democracy,’ Could Ban It Altogether

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A court in Germany has approved the intelligence monitoring of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) political party on the grounds that it poses a “threat to democracy.”

As the party’s popularity continues to rise as Germans rise up against the globalist regime that rules them, particulary over the issue of mass immigration, the government has now found an excuse to monitor them by classifying them as an extremist organization.

Bloomberg reports:

The AfD filed a legal challenge to a decision by the BfV agency to classify the party, as well as its youth organization and a now-dissolved radical group within it known as the “Wing,” as suspected extremist cases.

Judges in Muenster backed the view of a lower court in Cologne that there was enough evidence of anti-constitutional activity to warrant enhanced monitoring,  » READ MORE