
The W.H.O. “Pandemic Treaty” WILL be Negotiated in Secret! Our Sovereignty is Under Attack, as a Loophole is Uncovered (VIDEO)

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The power-hungry global elites are telling the world they have “watered down” the Pandemic Treaty that will hand over pandemic response to The World Health Organization.

Do NOT believe them.

WHO globalists are in the process of duping the 194 member nations into a sense of security before they quietly pounce.

There has been tremendous pushback after many of us sounded the alarm. Once we realized the original proposed treaty would give the W.H.O. the power to mandate lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports in response to a so-called “pandemic,” we started a massive campaign to expose the plot. If passed and ratified by the U.S., it would give foreign bureaucrats wide-ranging power over us.