
Anti-Israel Graduates Stand Up and SCREAM and CHANT “Shut It Down” During Washington University’s Commencement Ceremony – Drowning Out the Chancellor

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Anti-Israel protesters SCREAM chants and disrupt the Washington University graduation ceremony on Monday. The pro-Gaza activists screamed for several minutes as the chancellor was speaking. Disgusting.

Pro-Palestinian Washington University graduates disrupted commencement speech by Chancellor Andrew Martin on Monday, ruining the experience for their fellow graduates.

The far-left protesters stood up and started screaming and chanting, “Shut it down!” during Chancellor Martin’s talk.

Their fellow students tried desperately to ignore the young Marxists.

Graduating students at @WUSTL protest and walk out of Chancellor Andrew Martin’s graduation remarks. The university has been under fire for its response to campus protests against the war in Gaza.

Stay tuned for more from my colleagues and I at @stlpublicradio.