
“What a Pathetic Clown – He’s Like a Little Boy, What the Hell?” – Steve Bannon And Russ Vought React To RINO Speaker Mike Johnson Outside of Trump Trial (VIDEO)

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Steve Bannon and Russ Vought discuss Speaker Johnson and the House Republicans.

Russ Vought, the President at Center for Renewing America, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday morning as President Trump was held in court in his latest ongoing lawfare case.

President Trump was back in court on Tuesday as the never-ending Alvin Bragg show trial in New York City prevents him from campaigning across America.

The trial against Trump on still undefined criminal charges has gone on now for four weeks. This is the definition of election interference.

Of course, the mainstream legacy media lackeys are going along with this and reporting as if this unprecedented attack on Joe Biden’s political rival is something quite ordinary in American politics.