
CULTURE OF DEATH: Netherlands Approves Assisted Suicide Death for Young and Healthy Woman Battling Depression

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As we’ve discussed before, the culture of death continues to expand in many decadent Western cultures, and this descent into lunacy is making Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide increasingly normalized options for people who mostly seem plagued by the lack of competent healthcare.

In fact, it’s become a kind of ‘vogue’, generating stories like this: Canadian Hospital Suggests Euthanasia to Suicidal Woman Who Went There For Help.

Or this: Euthanasia on the Rise: The Culture of Death Creates a High Tech ‘Sarcophagus’, While Suggesting ‘Assisted Suicide’ To Disabled People.

The latest distressing story hitting the news cycle is the horrid tale of the young, physically healthy Dutch woman who decided to be euthanized over her crippling depression.