
Pro-Life Advocate Joan Andrews Bell Leaves Sentencing Singing ‘Ave Maria,’ Receives Standing Ovation

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Joan Andrews Bell/Image: Courtesy of LifeSiteNews

Seven pro-life activists were sentenced to prison this week for protesting at a late-term abortion clinic in 2020.

Under the Biden Regime, the DOJ has weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. This 1994 law prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, the FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

The activists were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act and “conspiracy against rights” for a sit-in protest at the Surgi-Clinic in Washington,