
FIREWORKS! Matt Gaetz and Merrick Garland Spar Over Judge Merchan and Biden DOJ Hatchet Man Matthew Colangelo Sent to Bragg’s Office to ‘Get Trump’ (VIDEO)

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US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday testified before the House Judiciary Committee as representatives conduct oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Garland testified on the Biden Administration’s weaponizing of the Department of Justice.

GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL) asked Merrick Garland about crooked Judge Merchan and Biden’s DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo.

Judge Merchan’s daughter Loren Merchan made millions of dollars off her father’s case against Trump.

According to The New York Post, Loren Merchan helped Democrats raise $93 million off of her father’s case.

Bragg’s top prosecutor Matthew Colangelo previously worked in the Justice Department (Biden appointee) and is a lifelong left-wing activist.