
MSNBC ‘Historian’ Goes on Mentally Deranged Rant About Trump Being a Dictator Who Wants Anarchy (VIDEO)

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MSNBC’s so-called ‘historian’ Michael Beschloss went on a rant this weekend about Trump being a dictator and how a second term for him would lead to anarchy.

If you watch the clip below, you’ll notice that Beschloss goes out of his way to use multiple Democrat party talking points.

This guy and people like him should not be on television. He is spreading hysteria and fear based on lies. He is transferring his own mental illness to the viewing audience.

FOX News reported:

Presidential historian warns second Trump term would lead to ‘dictatorship and anarchy’

An MSNBC presidential historian warned on Saturday if former President Trump were to win back the White House that the United States would devolve into “dictatorship and anarchy.”

“He is saying,