
Trouble Looming: Biden’s Attempt to Slander Trump on TikTok to Win Over Black Voters Goes Horribly Wrong (VIDEO)

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Credit: BidenHQ TikTok

Joe Biden and his team may want to consider quitting social media altogether because it’s hard to find a group that is more pathetic at communicating with it.

Biden’s official TikTok account, @bidenhq, decided to post a video Sunday night slandering President Trump with a libelous story about him supposedly using the N-Word during the filming of Season 1 of “The Apprentice.”

Former producer Bill Pruitt last week opened his mouth to media after two decades of silence to smear Trump. Pruitt outlandishly boasted that Trump, who is more popular with minority voters than any GOPer in America, called black contestant Kwame Jackson “a n*****” on the show.

Team Biden pounced by using an unidentified female influencer to rehash the story to trash Trump as a “lifelong racist” to win back black voters,