
Former British Royal Marine Imprisoned in Dubai for Spying – Highly Decorated Veteran Left Stranded in the UAE for Months Without Money or a Passport

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A disturbing story involving a former highly-decorated British Royal Marine has played out for the last seven months and it’s only now becoming public knowledge.

Lance Corporal Matt Croucher, 40, was thrown into a cramped, unsanitary Dubai prison and after release had his passport confiscated, leaving him stranded in the UAE.

But, his family and friends allege, he has been told next to nothing about the case against him.

Croucher received the George Cross after jumping on a Taliban grenade to save his colleagues, during a combat patrol in Afghanistan.

The lance corporal survived the blast, with his backpack and armored vest taking the brunt of the shrapnel.

Croucher, who is now a security consultant based out of the UK,