
Joe Oltmann Walks Out of Deposition with Eric Coomer’s Attorneys After They Attempt to Force Him to Give Up His Sources

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Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

Former Dominion executive Eric Coomer after ramming his vehicle through the front of a bar in Colorado on a sunny afternoon.

Is the court working with former Dominion executive Eric Coomer in his defamation lawsuit against President Trump and others?

On Thursday, in a deposition with Colorado businessman and entrepreneur Joe Oltmann, Coomer’s attorneys and the court demanded Oltmann disclose his source, who he used to infiltrate the local antifa group online.

Former Dominion executive Eric Coomer became famous after the 2020 Election when videos like this of Coomer showing how to alter votes were found on the Internet.

At the same time,