
Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement – Alex Jones Provides Update (VIDEO)

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Infowars founder Alex Jones agreed to liquidate his assets to pay the Sandy Hook families for something he said over a decade ago.

Alex Jones will reportedly sell Infowars and liquidate most of his assets to make a dent in the $1.5 billion settlement he was ordered to pay Sandy Hook families.

“Liquidation could mean that Austin, Texas-based Jones would have to sell most of his assets, including his company, but could keep his home and other belongings that are exempt from bankruptcy liquidation. Proceeds would go to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families.” – CBS News reported.

Alex Jones provided a bankruptcy update on Friday evening:

Infowars On The Edge: Alex Jones Gives A Bankruptcy Updatehttps://t.co/H1uLn5JrJc pic.twitter.com/Mhrfqm3G4A

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) June 7,