
John L. Kachelman, Jr.: Our Nation Stands Perilously Close to Erasure – The USA “Weighed in the Scales”

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Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr. – republished with permission from JoeHoft.com

The USA “weighed in the scales”

There is an undeniable cycle of a nation’s lifespan that is sadly chronicled. The birth of a great nation is an exhilarating read. The ascendancy of a nation to “super-power” status is exciting. But the ascendant status is tenuous at best. Just as the rise of a nation to superpower status evolves, so is the loss of that status as the national greatness devolves into anarchy. Repeatedly, undeniably, and inescapably, the national degeneracy that subtly began becomes a juggernaut, and the once great “superpower” has become a “failed nation.” The greatness remains only in the past. The present is turbulent.