
ABC’s Martha Raddatz Confronts DHS Secretary Mayorkas About Joe Biden’s Ineffective Executive Order on the Border (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden’s America.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was on “This Week” on ABC with host Martha Raddatz to discuss Joe Biden’s executive order regarding the securing of the border.

Even the mainstream media is now finally beginning to question the Biden regime’s ineffectiveness.

“We have a plan. We are executing on our plan and we will succeed,” Mayorkas said in 2021.

“That was three years ago, since then 6.5 million migrants have been apprehended along the southern border, it’d be very hard to call that a success,” Martha Raddatz responded to Mayorkas’ 2021 claim.


MUST WATCH: ABC calls out Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to secure the border.