
BUSTED: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Caught Charging U.S. Taxpayers For Illegal Alien Healthcare

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been caught charging U.S. taxpayers for the healthcare bills of the state’s illegal alien population.

According to local media, Newsom filed nearly $53 million worth of reimbursements that the state now must return to the federal government:

NBC15 reports:

California owes the federal government $52.7 million after it “improperly” requested reimbursements for services provided to noncitizens, according to a recent inspector general report.

The Golden State claimed Medicaid reimbursements for services it provided to “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status,” the report reads. The category does not include those seeking asylum or refugees. States are prohibited from claiming such federal reimbursements except in medical emergency situations,