
Teens Arrested After Scooters Leave Marks on ‘Pride’ Crosswalk

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This X screen shot shows the purported damage inflicted upon a "pride" mural in Spokane, Washington.

This X screen shot shows the purported damage inflicted upon a "pride" mural in Spokane, Washington.

Three people were arrested after a so-called “pride” crosswalk was damaged in Spokane, Washington, on Wednesday.

The LGBT symbol had been repainted recently after liquid was poured upon it and it was set on fire in mid-May, according to KREM-TV.

But on Wednesday, four people riding Lime scooters were seen riding over the mural repeatedly. Lime is a company that rents electric bikes and scooters.

Pride mural in Spokane, WA faces repeated vandalism, including arson a few weeks ago, skid marks made by a 19-year-old teen and two minors, and further damage by young children on scooters while a news reporter is on the scene reporting on its repair.