
Video Released of SWAT Sniper’s Precision Shot Through Computer Monitor that Neutralizes Florida Bank Hostage-Taker

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Screenshot: Lee County Sheriff’s Office

A heart-stopping moment captured on newly released surveillance video shows a Lee County Sheriff’s Office sniper executing a precision shot that neutralized an armed bank robber holding two hostages.

In February, 36-year-old Sterling Alavache, who was armed with a knife and claimed to have a bomb, was shot dead by a SWAT sniper during a robbery in southwest Florida.

According to the sheriff, the suspect was placing the hostages in “imminent danger” by putting one of them in a headlock and holding a knife to her throat during the hostage.

The footage, which has been circulating on social media, highlights the sniper’s skill as his bullet pierces a computer monitor to fatally strike the suspect at a Bank of America in Fort Myers.