
Another Trump Hoax Blows Up in Lefty Reporter’s Face – Fake News “Milwaukee” Hoax Debunked in Real Time

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Another day, another hoax.

PunchBowl News reporter Jake Sherman on Thursday morning claimed that according to a source, President Trump trashed Milwaukee to House Republicans.

“Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,” Trump said according to a source who spoke to Jake Sherman.


“Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city.”

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) June 13, 2024

The claim was quickly debunked by members of Congress who were present for Trump’s comments on Milwaukee.

DEBUNKED: “President Trump was explicitly referring to the problems in Milwaukee, specifically violent crime and voter fraud.” https://t.co/6um15Nkd8j

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 13,