
MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN: King Willem-Alexander to Convene Dutch Right-Wing Goverment as Geert Wilders Visits Brussels to Plan Saving the Continent

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Geert Wilders and Marine LePen in Brussels Wednesday


Dutch right-wing leader Geert Wilders has reached a deal with three other parties to form a right-wing government led by former Dutch spy chief Dick Schoof. While patriot Wilders agreed to step aside as Prime Minister for the sake of his country, his Freedom Party will get the most cabinet-level positions, including immigration and security.

After a half-year’s negotiations with the RINO People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), conservative New Social Contract (NSC) and Farmer’s Citizen’s Movement BBB, Wilders’ Freedom Party (Partij voor Vrijheid PVV) has reached a deal that will allow patriots to resume control of their country and end the out-of-control mass immigration that has turned cities like Rotterdam into gang war zones.