
Maria Bartiromo Absolutely Destroys Rep. Debbie Dingell Over Dems Relentless Politicized Attacks Against President Trump

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Maria Bartiromo destroys Rep. Debbie Dingel over the treatment of President Trump.

Michigan Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria on Thursday morning.

During their discussion, Maria pounded Dingell on the political and lawfare attacks against President Trump.

Here is the transcript of the interview:

Maria Bartiromo: Joining me now is Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingle, a member of the House Energy and Commerce and Natural Resources committees, as well as the Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. Congresswoman, great to see you again. Thanks so much for joining me. Your reaction to what you just heard and to this vote.

Debbie Dingell: Look, I think that yesterday’s vote is a continued politicization of going after various secretaries.