
SHOCK POLL: 66% of Voters Believe Outcome of 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating

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This may be the most honest polling numbers of the year.
Fully two-thirds of Americans believe the outcome of the 2024 US presidential election will be affected by cheating.

This comes from Rasmussen Reports and matches their previous record on the same question.

Via Rasmussen.

Good Morning !

Today – Election Integrity

Fully two-thirds of voters are worried that cheating could affect this year’s election, and many of them still don’t trust electronic voting machines. https://t.co/Ph1XOwOXjh pic.twitter.com/9Gl2Qrls1u

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) June 13, 2024

Maybe it’s because of the all of the Democrat cheating?

We Caught Them Again: TGP Catches Late-Night Operatives Moving Van-Loads of Suspicious Ballots Way After Legal Deadline in Detroit,