
Transcript of Special Counsel Hur Interview with Biden Ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer Released – Biden Stolen Classified Docs Scandal MUCH WORSE Than We Thought

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A heavily redacted transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer was released.

Biden’s stolen classified documents scandal is way worse than we thought.

Mark Zwonitzer told the special counsel’s office that Joe Biden knowingly shared highly classified information with him and took him to his Wilmington garage where classified materials were stored in boxes.


Late last night we forced Garland’s DOJ to cough up the transcript of Special Counsel Hur’s interview with Biden ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer

We are reviewing now but wanted the American People to have it as soon as possible

Link below pic.twitter.com/XuMpeD8nj7

— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) June 13,