
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Slams Joe Biden’s ‘Posture of Weakness’ for Presence of Russian Warships Off Florida’s Coast, Says Adversaries Will Not Be Deterred ‘By a President Wandering Around Aimlessly at the G7’ (Video)

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a news conference to discuss the appearance of Russian warships in Cuban waters and blamed Joe Biden’s ‘posture of weakness’ for allowing it to happen.

Last week, Russian state-run media announced a group of four ships, including a frigate and a nuclear-powered submarine, would be making a port call in Havana between June 12 and June 17.

Military.com reports:

The Pentagon deployed three Navy destroyers and maritime patrol aircraft this week to keep tabs on a group of Russian ships that conducted missile exercises and reportedly got within 30 miles of the Florida coast.

“In accordance with standard procedure, we’ve been actively monitoring the Russian ships as they transit the Atlantic Ocean within international waters,” a defense official,