
Stanford Internet Observatory, Sued by The Gateway Pundit and America First Legal for their Primary Role in the Censoring Critical COVID-19 and 2020 Election Information, is Finally Shutting Down: Report

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After years of aiding and abetting the systematic censorship of conservative voices, the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) is finally being dismantled. The organization, that has been instrumental in shaping the narrative around the rigged 2020 election and the COVID-19 pandemic, is finally meeting its end.

The closure comes after multiple subpoenas were issued by the House Judiciary Committee. This marks a significant victory for free speech advocates who have long argued that tech giants, research institutions, and government should not have the power to control and manipulate public discourse.

Reporters Casey Newton and Zoë Schiffer from Platformer reported that SIO is currently in the process of winding down. Its founding director, Alex Stamos, left his position in November.