
FLASHBACK: Remember When MSNBC’s Morning Joe Mocked the Hunter Biden Laptop as Russian Disinformation? (VIDEO)

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Back in 2020 when the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, lots of people in media either ignored the story, mocked those who believed it was true, or rushed to brand it as part of a Russian ‘disinformation’ plot.

No show went more out of their way than Morning Joe of MSNBC.

Joe Scarborough went on a rant that has aged like milk in the sun. He mocked Trump voters, Rudy Giuliani, the New York Post and others, saying that history would remember them as useful idiots.

It’s important for people to remember how these people spun this story, which was completely true. They lied then and they are lying about other things today.

NewsBusters reports:

The deeper we dig,