
SHOCK: Trump Now Has Slight Polling Average LEAD Over Biden in Virginia and Minnesota

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In recent weeks, polling has shown Trump gaining on Biden in blue Minnesota. Two different polls have shown Trump tied with Biden in Virginia.

These are both states that have not been won by a Republican candidate in decades.

Now, according to new polling data, Trump has a slight lead on Biden in both states.

Decision Desk HQ tweeted this out today:

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 0.2% in Virginia and 1.6% in Minnesota according to Decision Desk HQ/@thehill‘s latest polling averages. pic.twitter.com/6vf3evh9Uq

— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) June 14, 2024

Part of what has bumped Trump up over Biden in Minnesota is a recent poll from McLaughlin and Associates:

MINNESOTA GE: McLaughlin and Associates (@realDonaldTrump internal)

Trump: 47%
Biden: 45%
⬜ Undecided: 8%

Trump: 41%
Biden: 37%
RFK Jr: 7%
Stein: 2%
West: 2%
Oliver: 1%
⬜ Undecided: 11%

Trump: 44%
Biden: 39%
Stein: 5%
Oliver: 1%

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) June 14,