
Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

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Guest post by Vigilant News

This article originally appeared at vigilantnews.com and is re-published with permission.

This is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the vaccine voluntarily.”

Mike Yoha suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), a severe neurological disease associated with paralysis, after being coerced into taking the COVID shot.

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate

This is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receiving the COVID vaccine … I would never have taken the… pic.twitter.com/dAAn4A3RwW

— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) June 15,