
At the Same Time Biden Lost US Airbases in Niger the former US Ally was Negotiating Sale of 300 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium with Iran

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Joe Biden loses US ally Niger as they cut uranium deals with Iran.

At the same time the Biden Administration managed to lose important US airbases paid for by US taxpayers in Niger, the former US ally was negotiating refined uranium deal with the Iranian regime.

Niger cemented an alliance with Iran with a secret yellowcake uranium deal in April.

This was around the same time Niger authorities decided to force US military personnel from the country. The US invested over $100 million in just one airbase in the country!

It is impossible to adequately explain how dangerous Joe Biden’s anti-American regime has been to global stability.

Our Gateway Pundit friend Banafsheh Zand reported at Iran International:

Recent reporting suggests that after covert negotiations,