
Couples Sue After Being Kicked Out of State Foster Care Program Over Christian Beliefs

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Brian and Katy Wuoti and Michael and Rebecca Gantt said their foster care licenses were revoked because of their biblical stance on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Brian and Katy Wuoti and Michael and Rebecca Gantt said their foster care licenses were revoked because of their biblical stance on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Two Christian couples are suing Vermont state officials over being booted from the foster care program over their Christian beliefs.

The couples, Brian and Kaitlyn Wuoti and Michael and Rebecca Gantt, complained in the suit that the state violated their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

According to a complaint filed in federal court on June 4, they alleged that the Vermont Department of Children and Families refused to renew their foster care licenses because they opposed the DCF’s policy regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

The complaint is chiefly concerned with the application of DCF Policy 76 – “Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Children & Youth.”

“Policy 76 provides internal guidance for Department staff on placing children who express an LGBT identity,