
Blinken Sits for Interview with Al-Jazeera News Anchor Who Expresses Hope for Israel’s Destruction

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Jalal Chahda interviews Antony Blinken/Imatge: Video screenshot

Al-Jazeera news anchor Jalal Chahda is well known for his extremist views, including vocal praise and support for Hamas and other terror organizations, as well as opposing Israel’s very existence.

Yet this is the reporter with whom U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken chose to do an interview with on June 12.

In July 2014, Chahda posted, “I used to believe that armed resistance in occupied Palestine was one of the means of liberation, but today I have come to believe that armed resistance is the only means.”

كنت لوقت مضى اعتقد ان المقاومة المسلحة في فلسطين المحتلة هي احدى وسائل التحرر، ولكن اليوم أصبحت أؤمن ان المقاومة المسلحة هي الوسيلة الوحيدة

— Jalal Chahda جلال شهدا (@ChahdaJalal) July 25,