
THE IRONY! Dementia-Ridden Joe Biden Just Proclaimed ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’

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President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN.

President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN.

Joe Biden just made an announcement that is extremely close to his heart.

The 81-year-old, who is becoming more confused and demented with every passing day, has proclaimed June 15th as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.”

The White House wrote in a statement:

Older Americans are the heart and soul of our families, our communities, and our Nation.  But every year, up to five million older Americans face some form of abuse.  Around the world, too many are denied the opportunity to age with dignity and security.

During World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we recommit to standing with elder abuse survivors, shedding light on this important issue, and creating a world in which no older person has to live in fear of violence,