
Colorado On The Brink: How The Republican Primary For Lauren Boebert’s Former District Is Shaping Up To Be A Race Between A Pro-Trump Warrior And An Establishment Favorite – Its Outcome Can Determine Not Just The Fate Of Colorado, But Of The Nation

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So much attention this year has been deservedly placed on this November’s all-important presidential contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  But there are countless other critical races for House and Senate seats whose outcomes are every bit as important because they will decide how easily President Trump can begin implementing his agenda from the get-go.

Enter Colorado: a pivotal state that can decide the makeup of the House this year.

In particular, the third congressional district.  CD-3 was formerly Rep. Lauren Boebert’s old haunt before redistricting, where she is now running in CD-4.  The CD-3 Republican primary race is shaping up to be a significant one for Colorado – and by extension, can prove pivotal in tilting the scales for either party in the House of Representatives come January 2025.