
Globalist Ursula von der Leyen Struggles To Get Support for a Second Term as EU Commissioner, After Right Wing Populist Surge in European Elections Shifts the Geopolitical Forces

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A political hurricane blew all over the old continent in the last European Elections.

The Globalist forces in most countries got crushed and lost significant political ground to conservative, populist, nationalist forces that emphasize national sovereignty and reject Brussels’ current policies such as the crippling ‘green new deal’, unchecked mass migration, military support for Ukraine, among others.

Nevertheless, the current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, even though she presided over the veritable disaster that Europe has become, thinks she can get support to be appointed for a second term.

She may be right about that – but it’s certainly turning out be harder than she may have anticipated.

European Union leaders held a discussion on the bloc’s top jobs for the next five years,