
HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Struggles Getting Into SUV After Virginia Fundraiser (VIDEO)

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81-year-old Joe Biden Tuesday evening struggled to get into his SUV motorcade after an *exhausting* night of fundraising in McLean, Virginia.

Nurse Jill and Joe traveled to Virginia to attend a fundraiser with Clintonite Terry McAuliffe.

Bill and Hillary Clinton were also in attendance. According to reports, Joe Biden raised $8 million from Democrat elitists Tuesday night.

Biden spent his evening at a ritzy fundraiser with Hillary, Bill, and Terry McAuliffe.

Then he left for the beach. pic.twitter.com/VahBO9FgHj

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 19, 2024

Nurse Jill had to guide feeble Joe as they departed the ritzy fundraiser with the Clintons.