
Joe Scarborough and Mika Make Fools of Themselves Parroting White House Line About ‘Fake’ Footage of Feeble Biden (VIDEO)

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Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe have become two of the biggest (and pathetic) media cheerleaders for Biden in recent months.

This week, they adopted the laughable White House messaging about images and videos of feeble Joe Biden being ‘cheap fakes’ and not representative of Biden’s actual physical and mental state.

They are actually telling Americans to ignore their eyes and ears and believe the ridiculous suggestion that Biden is just fine.

Transcript via NewsBusters:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: The White House is slamming cheapfake videos spread by right-wing media which are edited to make President Biden look confused. We’ll go through the fight against clips with no context,