
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Shaves Her Head After Reporter Trolls Her For Having ‘Trump Hair’ (VIDEO)

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid debuted a new haircut after RAV’s Ben Bergquam trolled her for having ‘Trump hair.’

A few weeks ago Ben Bergquam caught up with Joy Reid as she headed into the sham Trump trial in New York City.

“Do people with Trump Derangement Syndrome know they have it?” Ben Bergquam asked Joy Reid as she crossed the street in Manhattan.

Joy Reid snapped at Ben Bergquam: “You’re an idiot!”

Bergquam continued to troll Joy Reid: “And second question, did you steal Trump’s haircut, or did he steal yours?”


EPIC video! Just got Trump-Deranged, Cultural-Appropriated-Hair, Joy Ann Reid as she was heading into the sham Trump trial in New York City!