
CBS Forced to Delete Segment After Most Embarrassing Biden Reporting in History Exposed On-Air

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CBS News did a segment that purported to show "cheap fake" video that was supposedly manipulated to make President Joe Biden look bad, but the two clips were virtually identical.

CBS News did a segment that purported to show "cheap fake" video that was supposedly manipulated to make President Joe Biden look bad, but the two clips were virtually identical.

CBS News was forced to remove a video from social media platform X on Wednesday after arguing it was an example of a “cheap fake” of President Joe Biden apparently wandering off during the G7 Summit in Italy last week.

The White House has accused Republicans of creating cheap fake videos of Biden, taken out of context, to build on the narrative that he has cognitive problems.

JUST IN: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says videos of Biden freezing and appearing confused are “cheap fakes video.”

Don’t believe your own eyes, folks.

Pierre said right-wingers who are sharing these videos have a “credibility problem.”

“I think you all have… pic.twitter.com/F4Au9ReAY8

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 17,